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Volumetric light (point, spot and ies light source support).Omni light shadow support based on dual-paraboloid project.IES light profiles (point and spot light support).Multiple light sources (Point, spot, sun, reactangle, disk, sphere, tube, ies).Cook-Torrance microfacet specular BRDF (GGX) and burley diffuse BRDF.Approximation subsurface scattering materials.Anisotropic material to simulate a specular reflection.Cloth material with cloth-DFG to simulate a specular reflection.Clear coat material with absorption to simulate a second layer.Physically-Based Material: albedo, metallic, smoothness/roughness, specular/reflectance, emissive, etc.Direct3D 9 With Shader Model 3.0 (ps_3_0).MikuMikuDance - 926ver (圆4) (Without Anti-Aliasing).