You can use a scanner to upload a receipt and manipulate the image settings like you would for a photo. The dry heat should cause the ink image to slowly reappear. Start on the lowest heat setting, just in case, and point it at the receipt. Hold your receipt about an arm’s length away from a blow dryer. Use photo manipulation software to adjust the image’s darkness so you can read the receipt. Take a digital photo of the receipt and upload it to your computer. Or, you can try one of these five methods to try to read a faded receipt: What to do? You can make copies of your receipts, scan them into your computer, or take a picture of the receipt with your phone. What happens, however, if your receipts fade and you can't read them later? Will the IRS be sympathetic if you are audited? No! In some states you must save your records for four years. Family child care providers need to save their business receipts for at least three years after filing their taxes.