There is also more information on this topic and all things APDL in PADT’s Guide to the ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). You can find additional, more detailed information in the ANSYS Help, Mechanical APDL>ANSYS Parametric Deign Language Guide. In this article we will look at strings in APDL and how to work with them. Create or modify parameter names for use in your macros.Build commands up so APDL can write APDL or input to other programs.Get information about files and directories and use that to manage, create, delete, etc…, those files.Gather information about your model and create a screen for display on a plot or in a report.You can use these functions to do all sorts of things that are needed to automate a process or produce more informative results. One area of the tool that power users find significant value is are the functions that are used to manipulate text strings. Over the years it has grown to meet the needs of a growing population of users and has gone from a simple command scrip to a fairly sophisticated programming tool. The ANSYS Parametric Design Language has a lot of features in it. The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck.